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Newtown Pension Committee
January 23, 2012

The Newtown Pension Committee met on Monday, January 23, 2012 in the lower meeting room of Town Hall South.  The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm.  

Present: Tom Murtha, Barbara Bloom, Mark Korotash, Dunham Smith, Frank Krasowski.  

Also in attendance: Carole Ross, Human Resources Administrator.

Public Participation:  None

Approval of Minutes:  Mr. Smith requested a change to the minutes of November 21st to read “A discussion took place regarding lowering the rate of return another .24%.  All agreed to talk to Westport Resources to get their opinion of the change”.  Mr. Smith made the motion to accept with the change, Mrs. Bloom seconded.  Motion passed.

Correspondence:  None

Approval of bills:  2 invoices were presented in the amount of $1030 and $2208 for the Town portion.  Motion made by Mr. Murtha, seconded by Mrs. Bloom.  Motion passed.

Report or requests from retirees:  None

Area town survey results:  Mrs. Ross presented the results of the survey conducted by Mr. Tait, Finance Director, Mrs. Tomasko, Asst Finance Director and Mrs. Ross.  The information gathered was not adequate although a great deal of time was spent on it.  Only Ridgefield was able to produce their actuarial report and those contacted either did not know where the information was or did not have it.  A discussion took place regarding attempting to gather the information via a letter from Mrs. Llodra, First Selectman under FOI, directly asking the six questions noted in the July 18th minutes.  Mrs. Ross will speak with Mrs. Llodra about this.  Mrs. Bloom also volunteered to go to several towns to obtain the information.  The committee felt this was important enough to continue to gather the information requested.

Mr. Murtha spoke with Mr. Vaccaro of Westport Resources who would like to attend the next Pension meeting to discuss the rate of return and other issues.  It was decided to hold a Special Meeting on February 13th.

Mr. Murtha moved to adjourn. Mr. Smith seconded
Meeting adjourned at 7:50
Carole Ross